Fat Burning Training Programme
Our 28 day Fat Burn training programme is specifically designed for footballers looking to increase their athleticism and reduce body fat.
This comprehensive programme includes a variety of exercises and drills that target key muscle groups and improve overall strength and conditioning through bodyweight based H.I.I.T and yoga sessions.
Our programme consists of high-intensity bodyweight exercises that are specifically tailored to improve the strength, power, and endurance of football players. By focusing on functional movements and full-body workouts, you'll build a strong foundation of athletic ability that will transfer to the field.
In just 28 days, you'll see significant improvements in your strength, endurance and mobility, as well as a reduction in body fat. Plus, with no need for expensive gym memberships or fancy equipment, these 30 minute workouts can be done anywhere, at any time, up to 4 x per week.
Throughout the programme, emphasis is placed on proper form and technique to ensure maximum results and prevent injury. In addition, the programme includes nutrition guidelines to help you achieve your optimal body composition.
You'll also be guided by an experienced yoga instructor we have employed to guide you through a series of sessions to do before and/or training and matches, helping you to unlock your athleticism further and cultivate a sense of calm and focus on the field.
With just a few weeks of dedicated training, you'll be amazed at the improvements in your athleticism, mental health and body fat levels.
So if you're ready to take your football performances to the next level using only your bodyweight, simply follow the steps in this programme! You won't be disappointed.
✅ One-time purchase, LIFETIME ACCESS.
✅ This programme comes in PDF format with all videos and guidelines within so that you can easily follow the programme from your mobile device or desktop. After you complete your purchase you'll instantly receive an email with a link to download the PDF programme.
✅ Suitable for players age 12+
Includes 60 Day 100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee